Friday, May 14, 2010

The Post

I would have to say that I am definitely a disciplined mind. I, for the most part, think the same way all the time or attack a problem in the same manner. When I am faced with a challenge, I often tend to over think all my options. I look at all the possibilities and their probably outcomes and I select what seems like the best choice. One might say that I over analyze like a lawyer, who looks at every option and weighs the outcomes before they make their choice. I am very much like a lawyer in that sense because I do the exact same thing.

Throughout my blog I would have to say I exhibited curiosity, experimented with new ideas, and saw the viewpoints of other people. First off I was curious about how the entire world of blogging considering how I had never made one before, but I was mostly curious about what other people were going to write about in their blogs. I always find it interesting to read what other people have to say when they are given free reign of their thoughts and are allowed to talk about anything that comes to their mind. Second, new ideas were always at my fingertips since I had never made a blog before everything about the experience was new. I enjoyed learning how to make my own website, and I was honestly surprised at how easy it was. I was always thinking of new things to discuss and talk about, and since I chose to talk about my spring break trip, my blog helped me chronicle and remember all the awesome things we did. Third I saw and appreciated the viewpoints of other people through the community of blogs I formed. I found that I enjoy the humor that other people displayed on their blogs so the majority of the blogs I followed were those of my friends or humorous ones that made me laugh.

Through my experience of creating my blog, I learned that making my own website was not as hard as I had initially expected. I figured, not being too technologically advanced, would hinder my blog making skills, but in reality anyone can make one. They are so simple and they are a great way to get ideas out to a large number of at once.

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